Prometheus® White Bronze Clay 50g
The white bronze clay from Prometheus® is a clay material that turns into a pure and solid bronze when burned in a special oven. It is a mixture of bronze powder, water and organic binder in micron size. It can be modeled by hand, rolled into strips or cylindrical, snakes. It can be molded, textured, even rotated on the potter's wheel. Prometheus® white bronze clay can be burned with most laboratory-created gemstones (cubic zirconia), tested natural stones, glass beads, ceramics and porcelain.
When the clay is burned in an oven, the organic binder burns and only pure and solid bronze remains. After burning, brush it well, if necessary you can clean it of oxide using solutions like Picklean and in the end polished.
You can create unique jewelry, ornaments, bulky objects (empty inside), statues, sculptures and many other decorative objects. Pieces created with Prometheus® White Bronze Clay 50g they are pieces of art. Combine it with your imagination and let your fingers do the rest!
Burning of bronze clay Prometheus® White Bronze Clay 50g it is done in two stages:
Step 1
Put the created, dry pieces on one stainless steel mesh and put them in the cold oven, raise the temperature to 500 ° C and keep for 15 minutes. Remove the parts on a fireproof surface and allow them to cool.
Step 2
A steel container, put about 3 cm activated carbon. Place the cooled parts on the carbon in the container, at least 1,5 cm apart. Pour carbon over the parts until you fill the container, close it with the lid and put it in the preheated oven at 770 ° C. Allow the oven to rise again to the target temperature (770 ° C) and keep for at least 2 hours. When cooking is complete, either allow the container to cool in the oven, or carefully remove it and leave it on a thermally insulated surface until it is cold enough to remove the parts.
Careful! Loading and unloading the oven is done at very high temperatures! For your own safety it is mandatory to use protective gloves and tools such as unloading shovel, oven tweezers, etc. If you do not have experience in using ovens, we recommend burning the parts in the Metal Clay Studio by accessing our service Burning Parts
Crahmaliuc Anca -
A superb product. I used a very detailed lacy texture that reproduces very clearly. After burning and antiquing, it looks exactly like silver.